Concerns of MDDA

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  • Urban development cannot be at the cost of green landscape.
  • No settlement of rives rain lands.
  • Stricter policy on land transfers.
  • Decongestion of business and transport centers.
  • Earthquake proof vertical urban expansion.
  • Encourage micro level non-conventional energy generation methods.
  • Priorities corrective actions in MDDA plan, include rehabilitation plans where needed.
  • Zonation concept should be finalized only after identifying land capability classes and conducting environmental impact assessment for various options.
  • Plan economic, transport and industrial development within the limits of acts for conservation of natural resources and environment.
  • Prevent encroachments.
  • Plan provisions must be enforced.
  • Develop new industries outside dun valley to avoid further threat to environment.
  • List permissible economic development activities in dun valley and Assign priorities.